Net Zero's Meaning, Supply Chain Resilience, and Predicting Returns

Recent analysis (or musings) on the meaning of net zero in the context of the energy transition as it stands today. Summary items follow. Read the full article here.

• Net zero ambitions need to be understood better by investors and policymakers.

• Climate risk will be felt more by those in middle and lower incomes, thus the need for reality-based approaches.

• Oil and gas firms are developing strategies to decarbonize and become players in the energy transition.

• Sustainable-oriented investment strategies alongside incumbent firms offer a middle way path.

Second, new finance research that I had the opportunity to profile shows how supply chains, natural disasters and finance can come together to be more resilient given climate risk. It’s titled:

Supply Chain Players’ Generosity Pays Off Amidst Climate Risk

Finally, accounting research that was profiled highlights a new approach to identifying bellwether firms which has predictive power about future returns.

New Approach to Identifying Bellwether Firms: How They Influence the Future